Meet the team
"We are a group of individuals that pull one rope from one side towards one aim for many years. Our passion for this project makes the special education teachers world a better place for educating people born with DNA that needs to be pushed hundreds of times a day to achieve a tiny victorious step."
Dušan Baranec, founder.

Ing. Dušan Baranec
Project manager
Visual Reading® founder and manager. Psychology and ABA enthusiast.
Father of SEN child. He loves Vietnamese cuisine.

Mgr. Alena Hrtanová
Spec. Ed. Cosultant
Special education teacher that likes digital devices. 8 years she educates disabled kids in special ed. school. She loves books and nature.

Mgr. Szabolcs Számel
Precise Android programmer with a sense for details. In free time - Nissan 240SX car restorer. His own house builder.

Ing. Pavol Pekarovič
Experienced web programmer with deep sense for reliability. Besides computers, he loves nature, metal music, football, and beer :)

PaedDr. Michaela Rumanková
Spec. Ed. Consultant
Tireless special education teacher - 20 works with ASD kids in special ed. kindergarten. She loves cats, nature and vegan style of life.

Mgr. Peter Višňovský
The professional producer sensitively treats the camera, lights and scenario. He has a passion for guitar, metal music and his cat.

Mgr. Art. Alžbeta Kováčová
Highly communicative, naturally gifted and locally recognized illustrator. She loves spring and nature wanders with her son.
Our speakers
Here you can find the list of native speakers that helped us to create a specific language version.
If you want to become a speaker for another new language not listed in the current version, please write at info@visualreading.org.

Mgr. Art. Eliška Vávrová
Czech voice
She is the marketing manager of a multinational corporation. In private, the singer of her dad's band.

Scott Elborn
British English vioce
An English teacher with over twenty years of experience in the field. He enjoys playing the guitar and spending time with his children.

Mag. iur Daniela Sojková
Austrian German voice
A professional lawyer with a passion for teaching languages. Multilanguage personality with a proper Austrian accent.

Lucas Gurgel
Brazilian Portugese voice
Musician and intrapreneur. Innovation and creativity enthusiast. He loves philosophy, surfing, and metal music.

Mgr. Mónica Sanchez, PhD.
Spanish voice
Experienced professional teacher at Comenius University in Bratislava. She works at the Department of Romance Languages.

Mike Harbottle
Scottish English voice
Professional English teacher, the real Scotsman. He loves football, tennis, and his guitar. Favorite coffee - cappuccino.

Linda M. Steyne
American English voice
An English teacher who loves seeing her students grow and succeed.
Our experts
The following individuals cooperated on Visual Reading® – a special education project through the years.
Mgr. Alena Hrtanová (special education teacher, 2018 until today)
PaedDr. Lucia Mikurčíková, Ph.D., BCBA (behavior analyst, university teacher, 2019)
Mgr. Zuzana Maštenová, BCBA (behavior analyst, private center owner, 2019)
Mgr. Ivana Trellová, BCBA (behavior analyst, university teacher, 2019)
Mgr. Adriana Pašáková (special education teacher, 2016 until today)
PaedDr. Michaela Rumanková (special education teacher, 2013 until today)
MVDr. Michaela Vlasáková, PhD. (parent, 2019/2020)
Mgr. Petra Vraňáková (special education teacher, 2011/2015)
Mgr. Katarína Mravíková (special education teacher, 2011/2015)