Awards & Milestones
1) Chivas Venture Local Winner Slovakia 2017 Award
2) Seal of Excellence, phase I, ESR 13,05 points, the year 2018 by the European Commission, 2018
3) Seal of Excellence, phase II, ESR 13,25 points, the year 2019 by the European Commission, 2019
About Seal of Excellence (SoE)
The Seal of Excellence is a quality label awarded to project proposals submitted to Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding program, to help these proposals find alternative funding.
The Seal of Excellence gives basic information on the proposal, the call, and the proposer. It shows a political commitment by displaying the signatures of the Commissioners. It is unique and safe. It is digitally sealed against fraud, as is the project proposal and evaluation summary report.
Read more about SoE:
2022 Slovak Aid Agency https://slovakaid.sk/ approved financial funding for the international project Visual Reading® for Moldavia. Total budget is 46 314,09 €. The project is currently on hold.
2020 - 2021 We have started producing an Interactive spelling book in Slovak and Czech languages. Both products are available for sale.
2018 - 2020 We established a new investor-friendly business entity – Visual Reading j.s.a, We have completed all two projects funded by the European Union:
Visual Reading for persons with health disabilities, ITMS code 312041N128
Visual Reading feasibility study for SME Instrument phase II. ITMS code 313031T079
2017 - 2018 We added the addition of new languages and lessons. Start sell 5-language version (SK, CZ, EN, PL, HU) then added and extended US, UK, PT, AT, SC UK languages in the 1st half of 2018.
2016 We did: training and presentations within SK and CZ, collection of requirements for development, expansion of the advisory team, creation of a blog, and community of parents and users to promote and collect product responses. I conducted presentations about the program at seminars and the implementation of training. Based on the interest, the SW has spread to other advisory centers and special schools, especially SK and CZ. Start of the sale of a 3-lang. versions SK, CZ, EN
2015 Developing a methodology for classifying other learning languages such as Czech, Hungarian, Polish, and British English. 1) Development of language processing know-how; 2) launch of "beta application" for SK, CZ, HU; 3) continuous implementation of feedback from users - beta version up to 0.78
2013 Begin of testing operation at the kindergarten at MS Iľjušinova street in Bratislava, in a class for children with autistic spectrum disorder and pervasive developmental disorder. The SW only included the Slovak language. Creating the first advisory team from experts. (beta version 0.1.)
2012 We have established systematic and regular cooperation with special education kindergarten MŠ Iľjušinova, Bratislava, Slovakia. This educational facility works with ASD kids (ASD - autism spectrum disorder).
2008 I got the initial idea of creating an SW for learning to read for my son that would not require an explanation for a special-needs pupil (creation of version 0.0.)—first learning language.