Educational goals
The Visual Reading® platform and an Interactive spelling book allow you to follow these educational targets.
1. Phonological awareness
What is phonological awareness?
Phonological awareness is the ability to manipulate all parts of the spoken word regardless of its meaning. If a person from the north of Canada says "krangaluktar," you should be able to identify all sounds of the word if your phonological awareness is well developed (krangaluktar means "always" in the Inuit language).
Why is it important?
The development of phonological awareness is essential in later reading learning efforts. Research shows that phonological awareness difficulties predict poor reading (Stanovich, 1986).
2. Alphabet sounds and letters
Why are alphabet letters important?
Each word consists of a group of sounds and after you put them on the paper we call them letters. It is very obvious that if we want someone to read what is written it is essential to know how the letters sound. This is even more important if the word you need to read you never heard before.
Despite the process of learning alphabet sounds and letters sound easy, it could be very demanding if you work with non-verbal children
3. Open syllables reading and spelling
What are open syllables?
Open syllables begin with the consonant followed by the vowel with no other consonant after the vowel. Here are some examples: ti (ti-ger), li (li-on), mu (mu-sic), la (la-ven-der), lu (lu-men) etc.
Why start with open syllables?
Simply said, they are easier to pronounce and they help speed the process of decoding words. The same situation is if you consider other languages like Polish, Slovak, or Hungarian.
4. Analysis and synthesis of the syllables
Why teach how to construct the syllables?
In this teaching target, we visually introduce the child to the way how to create syllables.
We do it because at the final we want the child to create words consisting of several syllables or several sounds. Teaching how syllables are created is halfway to word synthesis.
Analytical-synthetical lessons may not be available in your language yet.
5. Global reading of the syllables
What is the global reading of the syllables?
Global reading of the syllables means that we do not care about sounds that the syllable is created from. We just present the syllable sound as a whole and teach the child to remember them, identify them, pronounce them, point to them, etc.
This way is useful for children that cannot achieve the analysis and synthesis of the syllables.
6. Analysis and synthesis of the words
At this stage, we teach analysis and synthesis of the word. It is one level higher task compared to the analysis and synthesis of the syllables. After accomplishing this level you can say that the children understand how words are constructed.
Analytical-synthetical lessons may not be available in your language yet.
7. Global reading of the words
What is the global reading of the words?
It means we do not care about the sounds from which the word is created. You present the word sound as a whole, and you teach the child to remember them, identify them, pronounce them, point to them, etc.
This way is useful for children who cannot analyze and synthesize the words.
8. Letter writing skills
In parallel with learning reading skills, you can teach your child to write letters. Writing practice is a fun activity, thanks to digital devices. Sedentary learning can replace physical activity if you use an interactive whiteboard. Children have to stay while writing letters.
In any case, the practice of writing helps with reading development - the tablet emits the sound of a vowel before children start writing it.
9. Expand vocabulary
This activity is about increasing the number of words (or simple sentences) that the child can recognize, say, understand, and use. This activity is not limited to nouns but also to other word classes. It directly increases communication quality between the child and family members.
It also offers to build the foundation of a second language for children that lives in bilingual families.
10. Generalization
What is generalization?
Generalization means that if you see one single butterfly you can recognize any other butterfly anywhere in the world. Another example - once you know the river, you know how all rivers on our planet should look like. Some of them will be wider, faster, variously colored but they are still the rivers.
Generalization disability is well known in the world of autism. But not only autistic children are affected. Children with Down syndrome as well as mentally disabled children may not be able to use generalization as neurotypical children. This is why they need to train it. Neurotypical individuals can not imagine the inability to generalize.
11. Remaining word classes training
Teaching other word classes reaches the top of the basic reading and speech understanding skills. The plate could be white, red, or broken. Eggs could be cooked or scrambled. Potatoes could be boiled, grilled, mashed, or even fried. The cars have different colors, manufacturers, and bodies. The cat may walk under the table, over the rug, along the wall, or around the chair. The floor can be cleaned by "him", "her" or "them" etc.
If you educate children with disabilities you need to teach all these details. Formally they are adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, numbers, etc.